VFR Hungary Tour 2023

Visitare il mondo dalla poltrona - See around the world from the armchair

Diario di bordo - Logbook

La divisione Unghere di Ivao ci invita a sorvolare il territorio magiaro e gli Stati limitrofi.
Oltre 16 ore totali di video. Sono state sorvolate 2.309 miglia nautiche, ovvero 4.276 chilometri.
Il viaggio iniza da Budapest, subito over Danubio. scalo a LHEM, ripartenza e landing a Kecsked Airport.
Prossimo atterraggio all'Aeroporto di Győr-Pér. La nuova tratta ci porta in Austria: Campo volo Flugsportzentrum Spitzerberg, nelle vicinanze del comune di Bad Deutsch-Altenburg.
Si riparte sorvolando l'Aeroporto di Vienna-Schwechat, di seguito un bel sorvolo del Danubio Viennese, fino allo Stockerau Airport. Nella 4° tappa, ancora in Austria, andiamo ad eseguire un taoch and go al campo militare (LOXT) in Tulln e proseguiamo fino al landing in Flugplatz Wiener Neustadt Ost.
la successiva tappa è una chiara escursione sulle montagne austriache. Partenza e ritorno al Wiener Neustadt Ost, sorvolando lo SCHENEEBERG MONT e il RAX, SPITAL, la cima dello STUHLECK e touch and go al Pinkafeld Airport.
Si riparte da Vienna sorvolando Matterburg per rientrare in Ungheria. Virate su Sapron e landing all'aeroporto Meidl de Fertőszentmiklós. Nuova tratta fino allo Szombathely Airport
Il tour prevede anche le seguenti destinazioni che sono state raggiunte nell'ordine:
LHSK - Siófok-Kiliti
LDVA - Varaždin Airport (Croazia)
LJMB - Maribor Airport (Slovenia)
LHZA - Zalaegerszeg (Slovacchia)
LZIB - Bratislava (Slovacchia)
LZTT - Poprad (Slovacchia)
LZKZ - Košice (Slovacchia)
LHNY - Nyí­regyháza
LHER - Eger
LHGY - Gyöngyös Pipishegy
LHBS - Budaörs
LHDV - Dunaújváros
LHBP - Budapest

The Hungarian division of Ivao invites us to fly over the Magyar territory and the neighboring states.
Over 16 total hours of video. 2,309 nautical miles, or 4,276 kilometers were flown over.
The journey starts from Budapest, just over the Danube. stopover at LHEM, departure and landing at Kecsked Airport.
Next landing at Győr-Pér Airport. The new route takes us to Austria: the Flugsportzentrum Spitzerberg airfield, near the municipality of Bad Deutsch-Altenburg.
We start again flying over the Vienna-Schwechat Airport, followed by a nice overflight of the Viennese Danube, up to the Stockerau Airport. In the 4th stage, still in Austria, we go to perform a taoch and go at the military camp (LOXT) in Tulln and continue until the landing in Flugplatz Wiener Neustadt Ost.
the next stage is a clear hike in the Austrian mountains. Departure and return to the Wiener Neustadt Ost, flying over the SCHENEEBERG MONT and the RAX, SPITAL, the top of the STUHLECK and touch and go to Pinkafeld Airport.
We leave Vienna flying over Matterburg to return to Hungary. Tacking on Sapron and landing at Meidl de Fertőszentmiklós airport. New route to Szombathely Airport
The tour also includes the following destinations that have been reached in order:
LHSK - Siófok-Kiliti
LDVA - Varaždin Airport (Croatia)
LJMB - Maribor Airport (Slovenia)
LHZA - Zalaegerszeg (Slovakia)
LZIB - Bratislava (Slovakia)
LZTT - Poprad (Slovakia)
LZKZ - Košice (Slovakia)
LHNY - Nyíregyháza
LHER - Eger
LHGY - Gyöngyös Pipishegy
LHBS - Budaörs
LHDV - Dunaújváros
LHBP - Budapest

Playlist video Here

Liszt Ferenc Intl (LHBP) to Aeroporto Di Kecskéd (LHKD) and to Aeroporto Di Spitzerber - Leg 01/02- Download KMZ file here

Spitzerberg (LOAS) to Stockerau (LOAU) - Leg 03 - Download KMZ file here

Stockerau (LOAU) to Wiener Neustadt Ost (LOAN) - Leg 04 - Download KMZ file here

Wiener Neustadt Ost (LOAN) to Wiener Neustadt Ost (LOAN) - Leg 05 - Download KMZ file here

Wiener Neustadt Ost (LOAN) to Aerodromo Di Szombathely (LHSY) - Leg 06 - Download KMZ file here

Szombathely (LHSY) to Balaton (LHSM) - Leg 07 - Download KMZ file here

Balaton (LHSM) to Kiliti-Sagvar (LHSK) - Leg 08 - Download KMZ file here

Kiliti-Sagvar (LHSK) to Varasdino (LDVA) - Leg 09 - Download KMZ file here

Varasdino (LDVA) to Maribor (LJMB) - Leg 10 - Download KMZ file here

Maribor (LJMB) to Zalaegerszegi (LHZA) - Leg 11 - Download KMZ file here

Zalaegerszegi ReptăR (LHZA) to M.R. Štefánik (LZIB) - Leg 12 - Download KMZ file here

M.R. Štefánik (LZIB) to Tatry (LZTT) - Leg 13 - Download KMZ file here

TATRY (LZTT) to Košice (LZKZ) - Leg 14 - Download KMZ file here

Kosice (LZKZ) to Nyiregyhaza (LHNY) - Leg 15 - Download KMZ file here

Nyíregyháza (LHNY) to Aerodromo Di Cheb-Apolló (LHER) - Leg 16 - Download KMZ file here

Cheb-Apolló (LHER) to Aeroporto Di Gyöngyös Pipishegy (LHGY) - Leg 17 - Download KMZ file here

Aeroporto Di Gyöngyös Pipishegy (LHGY) to Budaors (LHBS) - Leg 18 - Download KMZ file here

Budaors (LHBS) to Dunaujvaros (LHDV) and to Liszt Ferenc Intl (LHBP) - Leg 19/20 - Download KMZ file here