VFR Jamaica Tour 2022

Visitare il mondo dalla poltrona - See around the world from the armchair

Diario di bordo - Logbook

Tre sole legs compongono il VFR tour virtuale della Jamaica, l'isola del Reggae, delle piantagioni proibite, del sole e del mare cristallino. Questa volta, a bordo del nostro Piper P28r Arrow III, stacchiamo dalla pista 15 di Negril per sorvolare Orange Bay, uscita a destra direzione Cambelton. A seguire le colline del Grange Hill, poi la campagna disseminata di campi agricoli per raggiungere il mare sorvolando la cittadina di Savanna la Mar.
Oltre l'insenatura Belmont, la costa fino a Black River; Salt Spring, Beacon, Port Kaiser, Alligator Pond; l' impresa mineraria "JAMALCO" ad Hayes, Spanish town zone per chiudere la prima tappa con il landing a Kingstone.
Riprendiamo il tour con la departure dalla Rwy 14 fino alla Wickie Wackie Beach e subito dopo la BOB MARLEY BEACH .
Il volo prosegue per Easington, Morant Bay, la sevaggia Folly Bay, per virare verso Nord fino ad Holland Bay. Da quì la costa frastagliata ci accompagnerà fino alla destinazione prevista, sorvolando Amity Hall. Happy Grove, Turtle Bay beach, Manchioneal, Port Antonio, Buff Bay, la costa delle Blue Mountains National Park, finendo la seconda leg all'aeroporto di Boscobel.
L'ultima tappa ci svela le spiaggie di Greenwich park, Plantation Village, Browns Town, Corral Spring, Faimouth,Montego Bay, Hopewell,Lucea Harbour, la costa Nord Ovest, fino ad atterrare di nuovo a Negril.
Tre ore di volo suddiviso in tre tappe. Complessivamente 281 miglia nautiche ovvero 520 Km.

Just three legs make up the VFR virtual tour of Jamaica, the island of Reggae, of forbidden plantations, of the sun and of the crystalline sea. This time, aboard our Piper P28r Arrow III, we depart from runway 15 of Negril to fly over Orange Bay, exit right towards Cambelton. Following the hills of Grange Hill, then the countryside dotted with agricultural fields to reach the sea flying over the town of Savanna la Mar.
Beyond Belmont Inlet, coast to Black River; Salt Spring, Beacon, Port Kaiser, Alligator Pond; the "JAMALCO" mining company in Hayes, Spanish town zone to close the first stage with the landing in Kingstone.
We resume the tour with the departure from Rwy 14 to Wickie Wackie Beach and immediately after the BOB MARLEY BEACH .
The flight continues to Easington, Morant Bay, the wild Folly Bay, to turn North to Holland Bay. From here the jagged coast will accompany us to the intended destination, flying over Amity Hall. Happy Grove, Turtle Bay beach, Manchioneal, Port Antonio, Buff Bay, the coast of the Blue Mountains National Park, finishing the second leg at Boscobel airport.
The last stage reveals the beaches of Greenwich park, Plantation Village, Browns Town, Corral Spring, Faimouth, Montego Bay, Hopewell, Lucea Harbour, the North West coast, until we land again at Negril.
Three hours of flight divided into three stages. Overall 281nautical miles or 520 Km.

Playlist video Here

Negril (MKNG) to Tinson Pen (MKTP) - Leg 1- Download KMZ file here

2 VFR Tinson Pen (MKTP) to Ian Fleming Intl (MKBS) - Leg 02 - Download KMZ file here

Ian Fleming to Negril - Leg 03 - Download KMZ file here